Somatic Experiencing

Trauma expresses itself in many ways.

Your symptoms include increased heart rate, rapid shallow breathing, cold sweats, muscle tension, racing thoughts, and worry. These sensations typically represent high anxiety or compound post-traumatic stress disorder.

Other symptoms include dissociation, denial, feelings of helplessness, immobility, and freezing, often represented as high anxiety or chronic depression.

Many people alternate between the two extreme states and are not functioning in a way that offers them peace and a more manageable flow to life.

“Trauma originates as a response in the nervous system, and does not originate in an event. Trauma is in the nervous system, not in the event.”
– Peter Levine

The major causes of trauma include…

War, natural disasters, death of loved ones, severe childhood emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and neglect.

Betrayal, abandonment, divorce, or experiencing or witnessing violence, suicide, death, rape, or armed robbery are other significant causes of trauma.

Catastrophic injuries and illness, immobilization, casting/splinting, prenatal stress, rejection, birth stress for both mother and infant, and illness of a parent, sibling, and grandparent are other examples that cause trauma.

There are less obvious causes of trauma.

Minor car accidents or falls that create minor injuries, medical or dental procedures, especially when involving anesthesia or pelvic examinations, can be traumatic experiences for some people.

Being left alone, lost in a strange place, or feeling unloved, criticized, unsupported, or unrecognized can leave long-lasting effects. A parent struggling with substances, withdrawals, gambling, or prone to rages can be traumatic for others.

Events in a child’s life can create lasting trauma. These events may include broken promises by parents, changing schools, living with a favored sibling, illness, high fever, expectation to be perfect, and being teased or bullied by peers are traumatic to children.

Other forms of trauma experienced by children include harsh punishment, hurtful comments by a teacher, or rejection by a friend or boyfriend.

A remarkable capacity to heal resides in everyone.

You can heal from traumatic events, and trauma is curable with the appropriate treatment and a willingness to spend some time with your nervous system.

I assist clients with working through their body and sensations and titrating at the edge of the sensation. I also assist clients with finding internal resources for stabilization.

After several Somatic Experiencing sessions, you will notice improvements over time and lessening of the symptoms that plague you.

I provide clients with short- and long-term strategies to assist with regulating the nervous system to alleviate chronic anxiety and depression.

Call or text (903) 218-7900 to schedule a 15- to 20-minute consultation.