Therapy for Young Adults

Time of your life? – Not quite.

Young adults and teens between 13 and 29 years of age are in the prime period of their lives. As a result, they should be living life to the fullest, celebrating the value of their youth, and experiencing everything possible.

However, when you look at your life and compare your insides to others’ outsides, you feel that life is slowly bypassing because you are not enjoying this time like you thought you would.

There is a reluctance on your part to go out with friends or family. Your preference is to be by yourself because it feels safe. At the same time, something is missing, and you sometimes feel lonely.

Bouts of negative self-talk, anxiety, and depression are becoming closer and closer in duration, and overall, you feel stagnant, knowing this is not the type of life you want to live.

When these symptoms are not addressed timely, they linger and build upon each other and create a cumulative effect which is often demonstrated negatively through the relationships you have.

Additionally, due to the repetitive nature, your mind and body begin to think and feel that this is how you are supposed to feel and operate when that is not the case.

539855686Therapy helps ease the stress.

My role is to work with young adults and teens to understand and help them see their blueprint for their approach toward others and life. Once a client understands their unique blueprint, they can modify and adjust as needed.

Often, clients will have a traumatic or debilitating event and feel that is the root cause of their thoughts and behaviors. While that could be partly correct, there is a greater truth about the client under that event.

The goals are to work through any unresolved traumas, assess a client’s blueprint, and implement strategies for developing new habits that move the client forward in life with energy and joy.

Find resolution and begin living this time in your life. Call or text me at (903) 218-7900 to schedule a 15- to 20-minute consultation.